Collection: shortsongs
H46 - Welcome the Reaper at the door
Welcome the Reaper at the door
Unless they don't have
An appointment

all copyright, etc.
Release notes
Kind of a dark mood, but what the hey . . . a happy ending! And I get to use 7/4.
Please note 'they' pronoun. I'm trying to be PC.
Lol. I’m chuckling. The ‘hello’ is hilarious . A micro song of depth, poignancy, and fun. Good combo.

Yeah, that Reaper is getting closer every day, am I right??
Lovely vocals set against the pleasant chimes.
Your music seems to have the dry humour and light-hearted musical experimentation, if not the sound, of some of the best of the Canterbury Prog movement.
Always interesting.

Very interesting and clever, but more importantly, very pleasant little tune. I always appreciate a sense of humor in lyrics, in particular when covering certain subjects. This is a classic example. The bells and chimes and intentional false starts (?) just add that much more to the mix.

this is funny. When the reaper comes to take me, im going to ask him if he has an appointment. problem is, he probably would take out his appointment book and show me that yes, indeed, he does have one.

Playful chimes and bell-like things combined with a dark lyric ... nice! Like Rosemary's baby in its crib.