Collection: songs
S16 - Jojo and Martha
Jojo and Martha
Tried to fix the rock cannon
They had built long ago

First trying duct tape
That didn't work so well
The powder oozed out

Built strong and lasting
But even rock shows it's age
Once cracked, soon comes down

They cinched it up strong
With epoxy and metal
Even that busted

They tore out their hair
Cried and wailed - they knew how
From the good old days

Hip Hoppers stomped it
Pop always ready to strike
Country folks stole it

Drugs didn't help fight
The degradation of time
Of sea salt and lime


When the glory fades
Ah, when the cannon won't roll
You've shot the last shot

all copyright, etc.
Release notes
I read an opinion about the passing of the rock canon on to the Beyoncé/Swift canon, so I switched it up and refer here to the rock caNNon, under siege from other genres, old age and moral turpitude. It's a battle out there, as @billwhite51 attests.

I'm experimenting now with stringing haikus together to make a story. A well-crafted (and often fragile) haiku loves to surprise in the third line, and keeping a story going presents the challenge of keeping that surprise, yet moving the arc of the tale. What'r 'ya gonna do?

The guitar is running through EQ, Reverb, Fuzz Distortion, Exciter Treble Enhancer, and Distortion plugins in Reaper.
Ok this is different. Got a kind of sexy groove and interesting vocal treatment. It’s hooky. And still got the super original vibe lauded back yet very much original and mildly odd - in a good way.

Is that a guitar?!?
It has that Adrian Belew elephant sound.
Great vocal grooviness here.
Oh yeah, this is so awesome.
Excellent work.

A funky one! Squiggly lead instrument - thick distorted guitar, I assume - steals the show. Sounds like it went off on its own and decided to wander around. Clever lyrics and weirdly catchy!

i think haikus could be an effective replacement for the old standard song verses. as history is often confined to a ledger of battles, it is fitting that the history of rock music be told through metaphorical battles.