I ran for office
It was a long run
Someone else won
They were the wrong one
My friends said no
That can't be right
We'll go out and make things tight
We won't go down without a fight
When you run, always run to win
If you lose, it's nothing but a sin
Don't let your hat be made of tin
Be a Lion! A lyin' Lion - ROAR
Now it's better
Things got done
And everybody is having fun
I'm in power, in the golden sun
The other person isn't happy
Too bad for they
That's all I can say
I'm not giving it away
All my friends agree
If you want to get straight
Don't be late
Be a welter weight
Fight for your fate
Do a figure eight
Don't sit in a crate
You're not first mate
Bang your fists on the table
Run up the battle flag, take what you are able
Losing is wrong, a nasty fairy tale
Be a Lion! A lyin' Lion - ROAR
all copyright, etc.
Release notes
I thought I was going to write a kid's song for number 4, but got sidetracked. Some time ago an album of Disney song covers came out. 'Heigh Ho' was covered by Tom Waits, and it scared the pants off my 10 year old. I'm kinda channeling #Waits, #Beefheart and #Cooder.
#lion #political #protest #irony
2023-02-27 @ayais
Some backstory is that I ran as a Green in a County and a State race. Lost, of course. And then there's that NY guy who has a fragile grip on the truth.
2023-02-27 @cmackie312
How much fun did you have while creating this!? You gotta love joyous social satire!
2023-02-04 @cheslain
Great groove and spicy satire. Really nice lyrics, giving a cheeky spin to a serious topic with a playfulness that just emphasizes the point. That reverby distant guitar lead thing is really cool.