Release notes
Okay, first (FAWM) 50/90 song, first haiku since I wrote 10 in February. I've been road-testing them at open mics. People like to sing along! This one is semi-autobiographical. A friend was the altar boy, but I dropped out. Those Catholics - they were mean to my mother.
2024-05-08@dermanI do not.
Terrific guitar!
2023-08-01@nancycunningWow. This is beautiful. I love the idea of writing haiku songs. That guitar, oh my goodness...Looking forward to listening to the rest of your haiku series.
2023-07-25@petemurphyI don't blame you. Not at all.
I, too, was an altar boy, and I also dropped out of church.
I won't even start on my experiences with the Catholic church, except to say that one of the priests and also the head of the altar boys in my church both ended up in prison for abusing children.
Great playing, and the harmony / panned vocal works really well.
2023-07-24@ttg105Gorgeous guitar, and I I like the compact lyrics.
2023-07-20@billwhite51Well sung, with some snazzy guitar. Catholics can be mean. A friend of mine from Greece recently made a movie called Holy Emy. about a Filipino healer who is persecuted by the Catholics n Athens.
2023-07-16@mantowinGreat! the combination of the short lyrics with your pretty good finger picking fits perfect!
2023-07-15@fuzzyWow, not what I was expecting!
This is so much better!
Lovely jazzy instrumentation, and those lyrics are hilariously sad.
Those Catholics are mean to everyone.