Collection: shortsongs
H2 - I'd rather not work here
I'd rather not work here
I don't like the office

all copyright, etc.
Release notes
This second haiku has also gone down well at open mics and in classes. Younger audiences completely get dysfunctional office politics.

My first five musical haiku were released online as a batch on FAWM (February Album Writing Month), and the comments are repeated for all five.
I really think you're on to something here. Great idea of having five songs for the price of one, so to speak - it's disorientating, but in a good way - musically and lyrically. My brain wants to make connections between the haikus and it does - it comes across as someone having a breakdown at work - my favourite haiku is the first, that's some modernistic zen stuff going on there - this is properly experimental songwriting and that's what keeps the craft alive.

I think I like ‘ welcome to the farm, best, perhaps because the harmony works the best in tone for that. Though ‘Whoa there Nellie’ has such a nice instrumental backing!